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Strategies To Optimize Patient Outcomes In Bipolar I Disorder: The Role Of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics

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Strategies To Optimize Patient Outcomes In Bipolar I Disorder: The Role Of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics

This is a Virtual Event for PsychU Members in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Vermont.

In this presentation, the objectives are to:

  • Understand the impact of mood episode recurrence in bipolar I disorder on patient functioning and clinical outcomes
  • Discuss risk factors for mood episode recurrence, including nonadherence, in patients with bipolar I disorder
  • Review management strategies, including long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs), to optimize patient outcomes in bipolar I disorder



Alyssa Weers, PharmD (OPDC)

Clinical & Scientific Liaison


Amica Simmons-Yon, PharmD, PhD (OPDC)

Senior Medical Science Liaison, Neuroscience Field Medical Affairs

Speakers Alyssa Weers, PharmD and Amica Simmons-Yon, PharmD, PhD are employees of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC)


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