Patient-Reported Outcome Scales (PROS) can help identify unresolved symptoms of depression and may improve depression treatment outcomes. The below figure highlights the role of PROS in the assessment and reassessment of symptoms and its role in evidenced-based interventions and outcomes.
We wanted to share comments from our clinical community about MBC in MDD.
A provider perspective:
“I hear myself telling a patient ‘the PHQ-9 is part of your vitals.’ By being part of this, it’s something I’m aware of all the time. It became even more alive in patient-care. I think I’m more knowledgeable about certain meds, review the topic more often, more knowledgeable about resources available. I don’t feel that it has been a burden, it is good patient care.
I think we feel more empowered to treat, less intimidated to treat depression. More normalized.”2 (p.61 from Kahalnik, et. al.)
A patient perspective:
“Completing the PHQ—9 doesn’t bother me because it helps me. I don’t mind doing stuff like that. I really do not mind doing stuff like that. So, if they do it every time, then that’s a good thing. Bring it. Seriously—because it helps me. I’m like, ‘Oh, OK. Well, that’s improved,’ or, ‘This is not improved,’ or, ‘This has gone bad,’ you know.”3 (p.7 from Fuller, et. al.).
Based on the qualitative evidence above, Patient Rates Outcome Scales (PROS) and Measurement Based Care (MBC) are viable and well-received tools for monitoring treatment progress over time in the spirit of achieving patient and treatment team goals. As a reminder, in one month we will have a final check-in regarding your thoughts and experience with this treatment approach.
1 Zimmerman M. et al. (2008). A clinically useful depression outcome scale. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2008 (49), p.131-40.
2 Kahanik, F. et al. (2018). Improving the identification and treatment of depression in low-income primary care clinics: a qualitative study of providers in the VitalSign6 program. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2019, 31(1), 57–63.
3 Fuller, S.M. et al. (2019). The collaborative care model for HIV and depression: Patient perspectives and experiences from a safety-net clinic in the United States. SAGE Open Medicine, 7, 1-12.