Members of PsychU are always encouraged to share and contribute to our growing online community and knowledge center. Frequent contributors will also have the ability to have their photo and biography featured on the PsychU contributors page. Currently, we’re looking for the following types of contributions:
- Community Perspectives & Articles: Submit your opinions, insights, and first-hand perspectives on issues facing the mental health field via an author-attributed article that will be published in the PsychU library.
- Mental Health Treatment Best Practices: Add to our comprehensive resource center of recognized and member-submitted best practice guidelines for the treatment of individuals with mental illnesses.
- Innovative Treatment Program Profiles: Launching in 2015, we’re currently accepting submissions for a new PsychU resource center, which will feature profiles of innovative mental health treatment programs being used across the country.
Interested members should use the below form to submit their contribution to the site. Note: All contributions will be reviewed and approved by PsychU staff before posting to the site. All accepted contributions to PsychU shall become the property of Otsuka America, Pharmaceutical, Inc.
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