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Brief Risk Questionnaire© (BRQ)

The Brief Risk Questionnaire© (BRQ) is an opioid risk screening tool found to offer a good alternative to doing a clinical interview (see Brief Risk Interview© (BRI) https://psychu.org/brief-risk-interview-bri/). The tool… Read More

Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D)

The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D; HRSD; HDRS), designed in 1960, has become one of the most widely utilized rating scales intended to assess depression disorder symptom severity and change.… Read More

Mental Health Awareness Month 2019 Toolkit

Throughout May each year, we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM). For 2019, Mental Health America (MHA) is celebrating 70 years of celebrating MHAM by sharing their MHAM Toolkit. They… Read More

Gender Differences In Depression

The prevalence of depressive disorders is higher in women than men. Why? Many factors are thought to contribute to the divergence, including biological and clinical presentations. Understanding these variances may… Read More

Resilience: How Nature & Nurture Shape Us

Why any given experience should induce one person to adapt, while another is edged toward a maladaptive stress response that could ultimately lead to psychiatric illness, is not clearly understood.… Read More