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Stop Thinking Stupid Thoughts

This downloadable resource, developed by Mental Health America (MHA), part of their Mental Health Toolkit, provides a simple practice to help combat self-stigmatizing thoughts. Resource: Stopping Stupid Thoughts (PDF). Originally published… Read More

Think Ahead

This downloadable resource, developed by Mental Health America (MHA), part of their Mental Health Toolkit, is a worksheet you can use to prepare or plan ahead to organize your thoughts… Read More

What’s Underneath

This downloadable resource, developed by Mental Health America (MHA), part of their Mental Health Toolkit, provides a simple practice to slow down and identify how you’re feeling in order to… Read More

Mental Health Month 2016 Toolkit

This downloadable resource, developed by Mental Health America (MHA), provides outreach ideas, items for advocates, fact sheets, and handouts about mental illness. Resource: Mental Health Month 2016: Outreach Toolkit (PDF). Originally… Read More

Molly Explains Why She Advocates

This interview, developed by Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), with Molly Jenkins, highlights Ms. Jenkin’s experiences and her passionate reasons for being a mental health advocate. Listen To The… Read More