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Utilizing PsychU As A Resident

Dr. Pankaj Manocha, MD shares his perspective as a member of PsychU during his fellowship. Dr. Manocha attended his first PsychU live event discussing treatment implications for bi-polar depression, major… Read More

How Do Bipolar Disorder Type I & Type II Differ?

Traditionally, bipolar disorder type II (BDII) has been thought to be less severe—and less disabling—than bipolar disorder type I (BDI). Experts believe this characterization might be attributed to the fact… Read More

Sleep In Behavioral Health

In this podcast, Sana Johnson-Quijada, MD, highlights the importance of sleep in overall behavioral health and discusses goals for better sleep quality. Sleep impacts hormones and neurotransmitters. Implementing and maintaining… Read More

Suicide Awareness & Prevention

Dr. Nicole Meade discusses suicide awareness and prevention, a topic that is extremely important to our community. Dr. Meade examines suicide statistics and terminology, such as why the phrase “committed… Read More