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Revisiting Cognitive Deficits In Bipolar Disorder

Neurocognitive deficits are commonly experienced by individuals living with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is known to affect attention, processing speed, verbal learning and memory, and executive functions, including working memory… Read More

The Neurobiology Of Opioids

Hear from Chip Meyer, Ph.D., a Medical Science Liaison with Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc., as he examines the historic medical utilization and underlying neurobiological mechanisms of opioids. Explore… Read More

Gender Differences In Depression

The prevalence of depressive disorders is higher in women than men. Why? Many factors are thought to contribute to the divergence, including biological and clinical presentations. Understanding these variances may… Read More

Webinar Summary – Gender Differences In Depression

This summary was developed utilizing the full recorded presentation of this webinar. You can access the full sourcing, polling results, recording, or presentation slides here: https://psychu.org/gender-differences-in-depression/. On March 7, 2019,… Read More

Resilience: How Nature & Nurture Shape Us

Why any given experience should induce one person to adapt, while another is edged toward a maladaptive stress response that could ultimately lead to psychiatric illness, is not clearly understood.… Read More

Webinar Summary – Resilience: How Nature & Nurture Shape Us

This summary was developed utilizing the full recorded presentation of this webinar. You can access the full sourcing, polling results, recording, or presentation slides here: https://psychu.org/resilience-how-nature-nurture-shape-us/. On February 26, 2019,… Read More

Depression: From Molecule To Man

Dr. Mark M. Rasenick examines the impact of depression in molecules, rodents, primates, and humans from a biological, genetic, and epigenetics perspective. Dr. Rasenick identifies the importance of research derived… Read More