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Treatment For Bipolar Disorder: A Resource For Consumers

This consumer resource discusses the importance of effective treatment plans, psychosocial interventions and medication therapy, suggested treatment goals, and support outlets for helping consumers lead fulfilling lives with bipolar disorder.… Read More

Goal-Setting Worksheet

This purpose of this resource is to provide a worksheet that consumers can use to write out their goals, track changes, and review with providers at appointments. Frameworks resources are intended… Read More

My Recovery Goals

This worksheet is designed to help consumers prepare for appointments with providers. It encourages them to think about and record their current goals and concerns. The back side addresses between-appointment… Read More

Daily Tracker

  This tool allows consumers to track how they are doing in weekly increments. It addresses key topics, including side effects, sleep, and appetite. The tracker is intended to be… Read More

Goal Setting: A Resource For Consumers

This resource introduces consumers to the idea of goal setting. Tips are provided for encouragement in the process. A checklist is also included to help identify areas of focus. Frameworks resources… Read More