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Understanding Caregivers’ Perspectives: Agitation in Alzheimer’s Dementia

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Understanding Caregivers’ Perspectives: Agitation in Alzheimer’s Dementia

Agitation in Alzheimer’s Dementia is frequently under-recognized by caregivers and under-diagnosed by healthcare professionals (HCPs) despite its prevalence.1-3 Caregivers are essential in recognizing, assessing, and communicating these symptoms to HCPs. Join us as we explore the caregivers’ insights on the “most bothersome” symptoms and what they view as meaningful improvements or worsening in agitation. We will delve into practical strategies, using the Agitation in Alzheimer’s Screener (AASC®) to help identify symptoms and facilitate conversations with HCPs.


  1. Halpern R, et al. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019;34(3):420-431.
  2. Lanctot KL, et al. Alzheimers Dement (NY). 2017;3(3):440-449.
  3. Stella F, et al. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2015;30(12):1230-1237.


David E.-Lewis

David E. Lewis, DO

Primary Care Physician, Bucks Family Medicine; Medical Director, Angelic Healthcare; Owner and Provider, Adult, Geriatric, Osteopathic (AGO) Medical Care, LLC




Amaka Onyereri, PharmD, BCPS

Medical Science Liaison


Chuck Dillay

Senior Medical Science Liaison, Medical Affairs

Dr. David E. Lewis is a paid consultant of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC)

Amaka Onyereri, PharmD, BCPS and Chuck Dillay are employees of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC)

Disclaimer: PsychU is supported by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC), Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OAPI), and Lundbeck, LLC – committed supporters of the mental health treatment community. The opinions expressed by PsychU’s contributors are their own and are not endorsed or recommended by PsychU or its sponsors. The information provided through PsychU is intended for the educational benefit of mental health care professionals and others who support mental health care. It is not intended as, nor is it a substitute for, medical care, advice, or professional diagnosis. Health care professionals should use their independent medical judgement when reviewing PsychU’s educational resources. Users seeking medical advice should consult with a health care professional. No CME or CEU credits are available through any of the resources provided by PsychU. Some of the contributors may be paid consultants for OPDC, OAPI, and / or Lundbeck, LLC.

February 2025    US.CORP.X.25.00025


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