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Thursday Testing Training

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Thursday Testing Training

This is a learning experience for the PsychU Team. We hope this experience will lead to a flawless Webinar experience for all of us using the new Zoom Integration. Best of luck to our Team with the new adventure!
Go PsychU!
In this webinar, we will attempt to do a test webinar from beginning to end.

  • Paul M. Duck wehga dnagi ;gnkzoigjg difihgihr sdngl alshd;l skjanf;l sjf;a asoiae ekng;a
  • Sharon Hicks alshd;l wehga dnagi ;gnkzoigjg difihgihr sdngl
  • Aneta Fornal, PharmD Senior Medical Science Liaison, Otsuka Field Medical Affairs


  • Paul M. Duck,

    Chief Strategy Officer, OPEN MINDS

  • Sharon Hicks, MSW, MBA

    Senior Associate, OPEN MINDS, former Chief Operating Officer for Community Care Behavioral Health.

  • Aneta Fornal, PharmD (OPDC)

    Medical Science Liaison

Paul M. Duck and Sharon Hicks are paid consultants for Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.
Dr. Aneta Fornal is an employee of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.


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