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How To Engage Older Adults With Digital Health

The Covid-19 public health emergency has changed the landscape of healthcare service delivery. Healthcare service providers have had to pivot rapidly to new and different treatment modalities while serving patients… Read More

Legislative Changes To Colorado Medicaid Rules

Provisions included in Colorado House Bill 21-1275, now require Colorado Medicaid (Health First Colorado) to allow pharmacy benefit reimbursement for long-acting injectable medications used for the treatment of serious mental… Read More

Lifespan Impact Of Racism-Related Stress

Research findings have suggested that early life stressful experiences-like racial discrimination have a lasting impact on biological risk for disease and premature mortality due to chronic diseases of aging.1 In… Read More

Fact Sheet: The Eight Dimensions Of Wellness

Wellness is a self-defined balance of healthy habits such as eating well, sleeping, being productive, and participating in meaningful activities. There are eight dimensions of wellness: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical,… Read More